Actio is an event management system that helps you to keep your corporate event memory professionally. Regardless of the event types (online, face to face, or hybrid) from collecting data of the participants to get data analysis reports of the event, we provide data-driven event management solutions.

Highlighted Features

-Increase your efficiency by keeping your corporate event memory and actionable analytics which are accessible anytime.

-Allow customers to announce their events to large masses, through Actio’s user base of stakeholders of relevant interests.

-Announce your event to large masses through Actio, which has more than 12.000 users.

-Customizable event layouts with sponsor corners, corporate branding, donor visibility, virtual swag bags, virtual kiosks and event help desks.

-Dedicated expert support team accessible at every moment, for flawless hybrid and online events.

-Measure the efficiency of the event, be informed about event participants, their dispositions, feedback by pre and post-event surveys and questionnaires.

-Access event and participant data with customized reports on participation, survey results, durations, questions, etc.


Services for Different Event Types

Face to Face

Meet face to face with your participants in the scheduled event area.

From arranging event areas to customized event reports, get a 360 degree fully qualified service.

Only focus on your event, without having to worry about equipment and technical support in the event area.

Personalize your event and access services according to your needs.

Increase the performance of your next events with detailed post event analysis reports.

Hybrid (Online + Face-to-Face)

Interact with attendees in the event area while reaching remote attendees via live broadcasts.

With the professional broadcast team, give a unique online event experience to the remote participants.

Customized landing page for your own event.

Only focus on your event, without having to worry about equipment and technical support in the event space.

Personalize your event and access services according to your needs.

Increase the performance of your next events with detailed post-event analysis reports.


Easily reach more participants.

Create, manage, perform your events online.

Invite attendees and get the details you requested.

Customized landing page for your own event.

Increase participation rate with fun, Interactive games and measure your event efficiency at the same time.

Increase the performance of your next events with detailed post-event analysis report.

1-Create the Event

You can create personalized registration forms to get the information required for your event from users and create your event by providing practical entry of details such as day and time. Also, you can create your own landing page including event venue pictures, agenda, banners etc. details of your event. You can upload files such as documents and presentations that may be needed by the participants for your meeting to make them accessible to users.

2-Reach Participants

Manage your participants! Easily access details such as who accepted and attended the event from the people you invited. If you wish, create a public event, or create an event invitation only for the people you specify. You can send the details of your event to the attendees by personalized SMS and/or e-mail.

3-Perform the Event

You can trust our event process! Before, after and during the event, you can reach our expert support team and submit your requests. We are at your side to facilitate your work and ensure that your participants have a productive event, including presentations, breakout rooms, surveys, and even interactive competitions during the event. In addition to the interactive activities, you can enable them to chat among themselves and create a networking area. Participants can announce the events they attend on social media channels.

4-Access Detailed Data Analysis

You can access all data, from the number of participants to post-event yield rates. After your event, you can obtain participant reports and survey results with visually rich documents. With graphics, templates, and customizable presentations, you can evaluate the efficiency of your event and reach the right target audiences for your next events.

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